After an 8 hour day at BYU and a short visit to
my neighbor's for a baby shower, it was
a welcome relief to have the local littles
and their parents come down for dinner.
Everyone contributed, with the Jackson's providing
the main course, and the rest of us pitching in.
We made home-made strawberry shortcake
for dessert and these two little ladies had to
be right in the middle of the preparations.
Between their long stretches of sickness, my
new employment and Brad's traveling, we
haven't been together for several weeks...
and oh how we miss this group when they
aren't around to brighten things up.

The women made another trip to UVRMC to
visit sweet Lisa and Hayden while the men
watched the kiddies and the Jazz game.
All in all it was a VERY good Sunday...
busy and long...but VERY good!!