Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ponderings, Performance and Pictureless Post :(

My kids have been reminding me that I have gone too long without a post. I am of the opinion that posts without pictures are kind of boring!! But just by way of documentation, this is what has been happening. First and probably most surprising to all concerned....I got a job! Mind you I have worked plenty in the past 36 years or know, raising 6 children and keeping up with their 3 meals a day, innumerable loads of laundry, cleaning up after the above mentioned 6 children, attending to the countless activities and all that goes with the lives of growing children, many varied Church positions, lots of volunteer work from PTA to Primary Children's Hospital, assisting with grandchildren, etc., etc. However, circumstances are such that it's high time I try to contribute in a financial way. (Surprise!! I guess I don't get to retire after I put in my time on the home front! Silly me!) Anyhooo...I am so fortunate that Dustin's Mom had a need for an employee, as needed (PRN) and in spite of my lack of confidence in my ability to do anything worthy of monetary reward....I am working and I must admit, rather enjoying it. I'm having to stretch a bit (well, quite a bit) and learn a few new technological skills but it turns out this old dog can learn a few new tricks. So, that's pretty much where I have been. I'm still Grandma-ing and will be tending Robyn's littles at the end of the month and will be heading to California for the anticipated arrival of grandbaby #13 and assisting the new Mommy where needed in March but that's the beauty of this new job. They are okay with me coming and going as needed. Could it get any better??? I think NOT!

In other news....I'm thinking the highlight of the past couple of weeks (and maybe longer) was going with some wonderful girlfriends to opening night of Ballet West's Swan Lake. Four of us had a nice visit on the drive into Salt Lake, a quick bite to eat and thoroughly enjoyed the ballet. My buddy Jeanne's husband is a VP at OC Tanner and she had the OC Tanner box seats.....amazing!! The costuming was incredible, scenery breathtaking, choreography beautiful and talent outstanding. It's been a long time since I've been to the ballet and I have forgotten how much I love it! It was really good for me to have some girl friend time and escape to another world for a little bit. Thanks, Jeanne, for always thinking of me when you gather friends. I'm going to hate it when you move to London! :(

Otherwise, I have just been enjoying the little moments when I get to squeeze and snuggle the local grand babies. They are a very therapeutic bunch of little people and truly make my days worthwhile. And I promise to do better about remembering to bring my camera along in my life. I know, I know...pictureless posts are hardly worth it!


  1. Pam,
    It comes as no suprise that you would excell working with people at Life Tree. It's nice to have a caring person as yourself when you're getting needles poked in you all the time, I would know.

  2. Mom, I am never surprised that you pick things up fast...I am just worried you will like work to much. I love to be able to talk and visit whenever we want.
    I am so proud of you and hope that you know we all support you. I like pictures too, but I also like hearing what you have to say!

  3. Cheers to a new leaf in life! You just wait... a few months down the rode and lifetree will be BEGGING you to run operations. You are not an "old dog" and certainly have many more tricks up your sleeve then we all know of. But I love you and think the world of you! Can't wait till your visits! Neither can mr. hiccup baby brig :)

  4. I love having an update - even with no pictures :) Thanks for sharing!
