It feels sort of surreal that I have gone from tending
two toddlers, driving to St. George with them,
driving back to Highland, hopping on a plane for Brig's baby
blessing and hopping back on the plane and home already.
My head is spinning but it has been a wonderful weekend!

I got to spend a couple of days smooshing this little guy.
Isn't he yummy??

He's at that great age when they are still little but
sturdy enough to really snuggle and starting to
coo and goo at you and flash a few smiles.
Oh Brig....I miss you already!!!

And we made a visit to these two peanuts who landed
about 15 minutes from Paige's house.
Beck and Elle are doing really well but their poor
little mother is so sleep deprived she doesn't know
how she is doing. Keep this girl in your prayers!
I'm afraid Brig makes two of them... but they'll catch up!

Then the blessing day came...Nate was giving Brig
the details of how he was expected to behave and
what this whole blessing stuff was about.

Here's pretty Paige with her Brig just outside
their chapel. Since the Williams blessing gown
has been "retired" she purchased one of her
own to be passed down through the generations.

Brig's Grandma Colleen had a baby ring made from
the gold from her original wedding ring that she recently
had reset. Brig's little fingers were too chubby for it to
fit but he wore it on his little toe. So cute and so sweet
to have a little momento from his Grandma! Paige
has decided that this will be passed down with the
blessing gown.

Nate gave him an amazing blessing and I
don't think I have ever seen Paige happier
or more glowing! She loves being a Mom.

And I'm pretty sure Nate thinks being a Dad is
pretty cool as well!

Here is Mike and Christian being dwarfed by the
Clark men. This was a powerful group of priesthood
holders that participated in the blessing.

Proof that Mike and I were actually there....this was a very
special way to spend Mother's Day! I'll always remember
this Mother's Day.

JayDee and Colleen flew in late Saturday night
and out Sunday evening, but they wouldn't have
missed it for the world. This is grandbaby #22 for them!

Look at those darling little eyes peeking out as he is held
by his little cousin Jayden. Brig was passed around like
crazy but he was so very accommodating to everyone.
What an angel boy he is!

I just had to document the men cleaning up the kitchen....
this is Nate's brother John, Bryce and Mike doing dishes...
since it was Mother's Day the men cooked dinner and
cleaned up afterwards.
Nate's brother Greg and his wife Carie were so gracious
to host the entire event at their lovely home.
I just wish this little family lived closer so we could
see that baby boy daily!
All in all it was a fabulous day and a
wonderful Mother's Day that I got to
share with some amazing mothers.
Paige is going to be one of the great ones!