Robyn has a group of friends that meet at the park twice a week
to let the kids play and let the Mom's visit so we joined in
today. It was 86 in St. George and the littles loved it.
Minie, Gwynnie, Gilly and lots of other little friends were
busy playing their hearts out but I only got pictures of
Poppy Lou because when she wasn't contained in a swing,
I was busy chasing her...not taking pictures!

I guess Minie Moo shares some of her Mommy's talents!
We headed home in time for Gwynnie to get to pre-school,
and M & P and Gil took welcomed naps after all the
fun in the 80+ degree weather.

Here you see Pop-tart enjoying some of the finer
things about the ballpark....popcorn and snow cones.
I didn't actually get any pictures of Abe playing
because once again, I had Poppy with me and about
all that can be accomplished is running herd on the
little busy body. Abe pitched and we loved seeing him!
Mins and Robyn took Gwynnie to music lessons
and then dance lessons and met up with us later.
(Turns out Minie actually insisted on TAKING the dance class
with Gwynnie and did remarkably well, amazing the
instructor with her attention span and skills!)
Then it was home for dinner, baths, and bedtime.
After all the littles were asleep, we headed to
Tucker's game while Abe babysat.

He is growing into a REALLY good little ball player!

in the background. Too bad we don't live closer....
I'd be to EVERY game! Such fun!!!
So tomorrow on Day 8 we load up and head back north.
Sweet Holley and Cheyenne are coming to stay the
night with the girls so Mike and I can catch the late
flight to California for Baby Brig's blessing.
They will keep them until after nap time on Day 9 and
then deliver them to Kennan to sleep there Friday
night and spend Day 10 with them until Mom and
Dad fly into SLC about 4PM. It has been a super
busy week but these are the most adorable little
girls. Some of our favorite moments have been Minie
telling us she was wearing a bow with "pokey pots" on it
instead of polka dots and when Robyn said she was
fixing Gwynnie's hair like Belle's hair she looked in the mirror at
her hair and said she had "beast" hair. She makes us all giggle.
These are super busy times in a young family's life,
but they are gone in a flash. Look how fast this time has
gone. It's such a great work....hard work, but a great work!
Thanks again, Robyn and Bob, for letting us join in your
family's life for a few made these little girls time
away from Mommy and Daddy lots of fun and helped make
this Ol' Grandma's job a lot easier.
It was a fun little week with you guys. Love myself some of those girls. I would have liked to keep Minie.....she was getting really comfortable here at our house. Elmyra had pretty much scared Poppy right off.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Pretty sure Gwyn took that picture of us....remember Minie kept her finger over the lens. We kept giggling over the fact she kept trying and trying to take it.