For the first time EVER we celebrated
Thanksgiving with ONLY our immediate
family. Turns out our own group is getting
so big that we really fill up our house, our tables,
our ovens, cooktops and countertops
all by ourselves. CRAZY...I know. And in
some ways it was weird to not have extended family,
but we were 25 on our own without Bryce, Lisa,
Miranda and Asher and they were sorely missed!
God willing we will be adding
2 more next year! I think we are to the point that we are
going to have to find a place to hold the celebration
if we are to gather with our extended families.
Regardless, it was a fantastic day shared with those
who are nearest and dearest to our hearts.
My sweet sister flew in from Oregon to be with my Mom
so I could concentrate on the preparations and have the
day with my clan. And here they all are....
We had a Kid's Turkey Table complete with lots
of crafting supplies and projects.
They even had their own special centerpiece!

Here's is Dustin's famous deep fried turkey....not
much to look at but delicious to the taste!
And here is my traditional golden brown bird....
These are the girls that helped make this
Ezzie. I couldn't have done it without their help!!
(And look at those two adorable baby bumps with
the April babies in the ovens)

The food was delicious, the company perfect, and
the blessings innumerable. I have a very charmed life
indeed. Regardless of the challenges we all face,
our cups runneth over with blessings and love.
What more could I ask in life????
It was a perfect day!
We missed being with your family this year, it's nice we live in the same neighborhood so we could stop by and say Hi!