***DISCLAIMER: I do NOT profess to be an expert in any of the above mentioned areas. I will simply give my thoughts, opinions, and advice. Said thoughts, opinions and advice are NOT to be mistaken for the "final word" on anything.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
So...at the suggestion of Paige who lives far away :( .....I am instituting the "Ask Nannie" portion of my blog. If anyone has questions regarding....well anything...just leave your question in the comments at the bottom of my post and I will do my best to answer it from my many, many years of experience. (Let's not get into how many!) They can be parenting questions, relationship questions, medical questions, health questions, cooking questions, decorating questions, cleaning questions, etc. and I will give you my take on it.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Happy Day for the Kay Family!

Darling Elder Aaron Kay returned from his mission today and it was a happy day for that sweet family. Let's just say they are due for a little happiness. Aaron looks so handsome and grown up albeit a bit on the skinny side. I have no doubt he will fill out under the loving care of his family. Congratulations, Aaron! You returned with honor.
What a weekend!
So Brad woke up at 2AM Sunday morning to this..... his next door neighbor's house on fire! Can you believe it? He grabbed the girls, woke his in-laws, got out of the house and waited for the fire dept. to arrive. The car you see in the photo is Brad's parked in front of his garage. It even made the local news! Needless to say, they were all really tired when they arrived for dinner. And sweet Gabi couldn't stop talking about the fire at her house...as well she should! The paint on the outside of her bedroom window was all bubbled from the heat of the fire! YIKES!!!

We celebrated Vanessa's 24th Birthday with a little tri-tip and carrot cake. She had just returned from a girls trip to San Diego and her flight was delay so it all happened a bit later than planned. We had some hungry babies but MOST of the group (with the exception of a certain redhead) was happy to wait for the Birthday Girl to arrive. We LOVE our Vanessa!!!

In spite of all the excitement, the littles had a great time together.
They always do!
These cousins are destined to all be the best of friends!

In fact, even the "adults" were inspired to try some of their old "stunts". Chris and Brooke still "have it" after all these years! Who knew??? Do they have a Super Senior stunt team??
All in all, a fun Sunday...and we count our blessings that Brad and family are all ok!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Gabi and Bella....
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Just Yesterday...

Today Kennan and Co. came down to help me put up some of my outside fall decorations that were too difficult for me to get to with my gimpy leg and Sir Jude was a HUGE help! Afterwards, Brooke and Co. joined us and we made a Costco run, picked up some lunch and headed to the park. As we sat there chatting it occurred to me that I used to do the park routine 2 or 3 times a week with my kids and it truly feels like it was just yesterday. How does time fly by so fast and where have all years gone? It is a little surreal. I look at these beautiful young mothers and realize THEY are my babies....and I look at these gorgeous babies and can't believe they are my GRANDKIDS! In so many ways I'd like to turn the clock back because I loved those years, but every season has it's blessings and how I adore all those little blessings.
Saturday, September 19, 2009

We started our day by making our way up to SLC to check out Dustin's booth at Utah Memory Walk for Alzheimer's and we found this group manning the booth. What a nice little family they are. They make us proud!

Here's Papa Mike, Dustin's employer Mark, and Dustin discussing the details of the Memory Walk.

Can you believe they had a real live baby kangaroo just hopping around in it's diaper? Apparently this little fella' is a therapy animal for the Alzheimer's Association so of course he came to the Memory Walk. Minie and Poppy LOVED him and he didn't seem the least bit bothered by all the attention! When he gets to be about 6 months old he will be traded for another baby because full grown they are 5'2'' tall and 200 lbs. Pretty cool!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Summer has come and gone....

Here are a few highlights from our summer. As always, it has come and gone way too fast. There were lots of back yard parties (beautiful Bella was dancing on the tables) and lounging on the hammock (demonstrated by our own Brookie-D). Somehow we missed getting shots of "sidewinder falls". I just hope we are lucky enough to have an Indian Summer and long, lovely fall.
Make My Day....
Grandbabies and Cake....it doesn't get any better than this!
What a GAL !!!
They don't get any better than her...

This one was so wonderful to leave her busy life and busy family to come and care for me while I recuperated. Cute Robyn got me through the really rough days and I must admit I appreciated her bossy-ness! She is a keeper....thanks so much, Robyn! XO
P.S. Did I mention that was the most AMAZING cake ever??!! Yummmmmmy!
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