Today Kennan and Co. came down to help me put up some of my outside fall decorations that were too difficult for me to get to with my gimpy leg and Sir Jude was a HUGE help! Afterwards, Brooke and Co. joined us and we made a Costco run, picked up some lunch and headed to the park. As we sat there chatting it occurred to me that I used to do the park routine 2 or 3 times a week with my kids and it truly feels like it was just yesterday. How does time fly by so fast and where have all years gone? It is a little surreal. I look at these beautiful young mothers and realize THEY are my babies....and I look at these gorgeous babies and can't believe they are my GRANDKIDS! In so many ways I'd like to turn the clock back because I loved those years, but every season has it's blessings and how I adore all those little blessings.
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