I got the sweet privilege of meeting Mr. Cash Harrison
yesterday and oh how sweet he is!!
He is beautiful and definitely belongs to Mark!
Here you see Cash cradled in the arms of his
Grandma Eileen who has been waiting for this
moment for eternities.
miracles of the arrival of this new little life is
how two people suddenly become completely
devoted parents. There is a kind of love that
comes with a new baby that is beyond earthly
explanation and I am always so touched when I
witness that miracle. Mark and Tiff are so totally
in love with Cash and will be fantastic parents.
cuties, while their Mom and Dad made a run to the
hospital to meet Cash and congratulate his parents.
and letting Miss Minie's imagination
dictate our activities. Poppy was
happy to follow along as big sister was
her ballet teacher, escorted her to the hospital,
helped her learn how to dive off the board at
swim lessons, went to the movie theatre,
hunted for the wicked witch, found the
poison apple and had several naps. I'm telling you...
It was a very busy 90 minutes or so!
They are more fun than a barrel of monkeys!
a moment when they were not fighting. These
two love each other to death and can squabble better
than any couple I know. As time goes by I'm sure
this will work itself out as they learn to share and
communicate better. In the meantime....it's pretty
funny to watch. Part of the joys of Grandparenting...
you don't have to be the referee!
Once again....good times all around!
Pam, Thanks for sharing in our joy, for loving my boys... and now Tiff and Cash!!