Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January Blahs...

Well, my post is going to be about as interesting as the January inversion! Christmas is over, the decorations are down, the inversion has set in and I have spent most of the month at home alone while Mike has been traveling...unless of course, I had a houseful of guests. Once again....feast or famine! And to top it off, I have fallen not once but twice in the past week! (And my Mom fell once while on my watch....grrrrrr!)

On the positive side, work is going well....love the ladies I work with! We celebrated Johnnie Belle's 90th birthday (and I couldn't find my camera...par for the course...so I have no pictures to share). Robyn took a grundle of photos that she promises to burn on a disc so perhaps I shall yet share some. It was a great success. We have painted Kennan's kids rooms in prep for baby and we have the baby's arrival in Feb. to look forward to.

Another storm is expected tomorrow....oh joy! Perhaps I shall fit in a quick trip to St. George before baby's arrival. We shall see. I need some sunshine! Good night all. I'm down for a long winter's nap. No wonder bears hibernate!!


  1. im so glad seasonal depression doesn't run in the family or anything...

  2. ha no kidding. we all independently have posted such things. and mom

    Don't make me come kidnap you....

  3. I think you and I should go to some sort of sunny paradise, alas no mun no fun!
