New Year's Eve found us celebrating
in a pretty low-key fashion
with lots of family around us.
This holiday season will be remembered forthe incredibly LARGE tree that was
so generously given to us by Steve
and Alice. It was remarkable!!
And we were lucky to have a visitfrom Mr. Cash Williams himself...(and his gorgeous Mommy, too!)
These little cousins are bound to be buds in years to come....TOO CUTE!!
The men in the family waited out thearrival of the new year. Bob was always.
Trev was incubating a strep throat that manifest itself the next day!
And Mike was recuperating from a bout withthe flu that kept him bedridden most of
the holiday!
But this little lady with the wild hairwas ready to party on!!
(And she strikes a pose on cue, too!)
Midnight arrived and we all had our
traditional kisses!

These lovely ladies prepared thesparkly!
And young and old alike toasted the New Year!!
And of course it wouldn't be New Year's withoutthe banging of the pans!!
Fun group of party-ers....
what a great way to celebrate.
Welcome 2011...may this new decade
show us more prosperous times.
This year I resolve to be more health conscious
(thank you, Paigey!) and to spend more
time smelling the roses.
May I find more joy in the journey.
2011....It's going to be a great one!!
the question arrises.... what is jude doing in the group picture?
large and in charge