Today was Ground Hog Day and Dustin's 30th Birthday,
but all that was overshadowed by the fact that
today was the day that Baby Gregory was scheduled
to arrive. C-sections are nice like can
plan accordingly. Or so we so foolishly thought!!
It started out fine with the 5 AM wake up and
early arrival at the hospital. Kennan and Trev
were bright eyed and bushy tailed. Brooke and
I were there in the supporting role.

They have this new contraption called the "Bear Paw"
that pushes warm air into a gown to keep the
little Mama warm while in the operating room.
Just what a 9 month pregnant woman needs....
some more width and girth!

Dr. Parker was right on time and Kennan was his
first case of the day. Notice how we are all smiles??

Kennan and Trev were excitedly ready for the
arrival and all dressed accordingly in their party hats.
All went well for the first little bit. We heard a nice loud
cry and little Mr. was announced at 7 lb. 1 oz. and 19 inches.
At this point he was still nameless. Then things started to turn
south. He started grunting and struggling to breath. He
was put on oxygen...things didn't improve. He had x-rays, blood answers there. They treated him with
surfactin (
and he got worse. After observing him for several hours they
began to talk about transferring him to
Intermountain Medical
Center's newborn ICU. We were all so worried and Kennan
was devastated. She still hadn't held her baby at this point.
So she insisted on getting up in the wheelchair (just hours after
having her belly sliced open) and going to the nursery.
A name was decided upon and Ezra Roger Gregory was
given a blessing by Trev and his Dad and brothers.
The transport team was called and they were waiting for the
final word from the pediatrician.
I couldn't get any pictures of
Ezzie in the c-pap
he looked like a airplane pilot!

In the meantime, the poor exhausted Mommy waited
for word while Jude and Greta snuggled her in her room.

It was finally agreed (with much persuasion on the part
of the Dr.) that Ezzie had to go up north so he was
loaded in the transport isolette and rolled in to say bye bye
to his family.

There were lots and lots of tears. And off he went.
Trevan went with Baby Ezra, Jude and Greta went
with Rog, and I stayed with my baby, Kennan

As evening rolled around, Ezra started to improve
up at the IMC - NBICU. Trev returned to be with
his little wife who had spent the day shedding lots of tears
and getting little or no rest. And I went and
gathered my husband and headed up north.

Our new little guy is doing much better,
but is still on IV antibiotics and some
oxygen but only by the cannula and not
the c-pap. If things continue to improve and
they can wean him off the O2 he should be
home in a few days. He may even beat his Mom home!

When we got there he was resting comfortably
and sucking on his binkie like a mad-man.
I asked when he could be held and the nurse said
"You can hold him now", Well.....

TWIST MY ARM!!!! Look at that adorable boy.
Bright eyes and everything!!!
Check out all his hair....

He snuggled right in like he knew his Nannie loved him.

Grandpa wanted in on some of that action, too.
(He wasn't even supposed to be allowed in!)

Oh Baby take my breath away!
This has been a roller-coaster day for sure.
Now we have to work on getting you and your
Mommy re-united ASAP!!
Some blessings just have to come with a
speed bump in the middle. It makes you
slow down and appreciate all that you have.
Thank you, Lord, for Ezra's arrival!
There are many great days yet ahead for us.
Nannie loves you!!