Little Mr. Ezra made his first official visit
to Nannie's house on Sunday for a Pre-Valentine
dinner party. He was amazing but the throngs of
people made his Mommy very nervous and
may have over-stimulated him a bit!
None the less, it was monumental to have
the little Prince in my home!
Here he is...the definition of sweetness.
The recently de-throned baby of the Gregory family...
no worse for the wear, I might add.
Gretsie is now a veteran at staying the night at Nannies!
Ezzie is all kinds of cute!
A few events failed to be posted in the hubbub
of Ezzie's arrival....
Of great note was Dustin's 30th birthday!
From here on out he will be sharing the festivities
with his little nephew. We managed to celebrate
even in the midst of the eminent arrival.

And prior to Ezzie's birth, Mike and I were
able to make a quick trip to St. George to
hear these four sing a special musical
number in Sacrament Meeting.
They were nothing short of amazing!!!
(We also managed to see 4 basketball games)

And somewhere in there we made a quick trip
to the Aquarium. Miss Poppy is just plain
CUTE perched on her frog!! I think I have us pretty much
up to date. Life is full and delightful!!!
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