If you talk to pretty much anyone in my family, they will say that I don't
share any of the bad stuff that is going on in my life...
that I always want to help them,
but that I don't let people in to help me.
And there is some truth to that.
But it's not because I'm hiding anything or trying to
disguise my struggles or whatever.
It has more to do with the fact that in my worst of times,
I still see all the incredible blessings that are mine
and I feel like a total hypocrite
when I complain about my circumstances.
Let's face it, I do now and I have always
lived a blessed life! I have 6 great kids who are healthy and
happy and have all married well. I have 12+ amazingly
gorgeous grandkids who bring me immeasurable joy.
I have a loving, loyal, hard-working husband
who has provided me with every possible
need and a whole boat load of extras.
I have seen the world. I have great health,
wonderful friends, caring family, the knowledge that I have a
Heavenly Father who knows me by name and a Savior that makes it
possible to have all of those I love most for eternity. Who on earth has
the right to complain when you have all that?? Don't get me wrong...
I have my share of trials, heart ache and struggles but when
compared to all that I have been blessed with...it's NOTHING!!
So yes, I have been know to mope around a bit, to complain to
my beloved, to shed a few tears of sadness and
discouragement, to get overwhelmed and to wonder
"How the heck am I going to do it?"
And yes, the second knee surgery hit me rather
unexpectedly and has me playing catch up as I attempt
to get back on my feet...literally. But if I don't ask for help,
it's not because I don't want to share but rather that I feel
ungrateful if I complain. And yes...as I am "growing up",
I am being humbled to the point where I am learning that
we are all put here to help one another and that includes ME!!
So...this Thanksgiving I am most grateful for all the above
mentioned things and most importantly for these little
ladies who pitched in and took over the majority of
preparations for me.

Also, I'm thankful for this young man...Tucker was SOOOO
helpful in all the preparations and such a great example to
all the other grandkids. Love this guy (and all the other
little people that were with us!)!!

Cute Brad and Vanessa were in charge of appetizers
and beverages and they out did themselves! Look at
those darling turkeys that they prepared and they
brought hot,cold and bubbly beverages!

We had 27 for dinner...all of our kids were with us
with the exception of Bryce and Lisa who had a seafood
Thanksgiving with friends in Santa Rosa and
Paige and Nate who were with the Clark family this year.
With Tucker's help we set a lovely table...
or series of tables.

Dustin and Brooke have taken on the responsibility of
deep frying a turkey and it is delish!!
This is a tradition that will definitely stick....

Grandpa's major role is to supervise and
cuddle whatever grandbaby he chooses. Here he
is loving on Miss Greta!

The house was rocking and rollling with ten little people
10 and under and somehow I FAILED to get a photo
of all the little cousins together. (Note to self: gather
all the grandkids for photo op next time!)
***In my defense, they were moving so fast it
was almost impossible to find them all at the
same place at the same time.***
But I did manage to get all the adults with the
exception of Alice and Steve Jackson (our
first time guests...hope they know they are
ALWAYS welcome...even if they weren't documented!).
These two little dolls are going to be best buddies
as the years go by. Greta and Poppy sat still long
enough to allow me a photo op.

Here's gorgeous Robyn and amazing Bob who
are the proud parents of my four wonderful
Lamoreaux grandkids.

Kennan and Trevan stopped long enough for me to
get a quick shot of their little family....cute, cute!

Here is the little lady who spear-headed the whole event.
Sweet Robyn caught me on a not so good day at a not so good
moment and decided that I needed help. She was right.
And I am so thankful for her intervention! (And yes...
that's our Dustina in the background!)

And this amazing lady is ALWAYS ready to step
in to help. Eileen's family is NOT our extended
family...they are our immediate family. I am
so grateful that Tim chose Eileen so that I could
call her family as well as friend!

You would think it is enough that they all pitched in to
make Thanksgiving possible but that was just the
start. Paige joined us on Friday and on Saturday
these darling girls drug out all the Christmas decorations
and had my house decked out by Saturday night.
(They even attended the BYU-Utah game in between times!)
So all the major stresses of my life have been
diffused by my children and I am so very
thankful for their wonderful service to me.

Who could be anything but thankful when you have
a sink-full of sweetness after a holiday weekend?
Thank you, dear family, for your sweet, loving service!!
I love you all beyond words. XOXOXO