This little heart-breaker celebrated her first birthday on Monday
and let me tell you....she is worthy of celebration!
Wow...has this year ever flown by.
There are a few things that will always stand out about this little one's arrival...
1) She is the ONLY grand baby to literally POP out of the womb....
never seen anything like it...not in our genetics...still has us
all flabergasted! (And her name was MOST appropriate)
2) She remarkably looks like NO one on either side of her family...
she's absolutely gorgeous, but kind of a stranger.
Every other grandchild looks like their Mom or Dad
or sibling or all of the above, but NOT this girl.
She is a beauty, but she is all her own!
3) With all this beauty she has notably large hands and feet...
while her sister had notably tiny hands and feet (go figure!).
4) From the get go she has done what we call zero to sixty when she
cries. There is no warming up or fussing involved. She wakes
up and let's her rip. Nothing wrong with this girls lungs!
5) She has the most incredible twinklie, liquid eyes I have ever seen.
When a poet penned "your eyes are like pools" he was looking
at Miss Poppy. And when she smiles, it's like the stars have come out!
All in all...she is the sweetest little blessing and loved by so many.
We are lucky she chose to join our family and we look
forward to watching her Dad beat off the fella's as
the years go by!

Her Mommy threw her an AMAZING birthday party at
Grandma Alice's house. Brooke worked on the
decorations for weeks and it was a sight to behold.
Unfortunately, this Nannie left her camera at home and
missed the "photo op" but Poppy was more than
happy to oblige us with some additional candle blowing.
This is a big skill for a one year old and she has it down pat!

And this proud Big Sister can't be forgotten...Minie loves her
baby sister and survived the birthday party without too much
trauma over the gifts that weren't for HER! (It's hard when you are only
17 months apart in age!) After the fact, she has been enjoying Poppy's
new toys as if they are her own...and sweet little Pop-Tart
doesn't mind at all.
We love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!
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