I have to admit, it is really hard for me to
wrap my head around the fact that my baby
is having a baby! She is definitely old enough
to do this and she is really ready. She'll be a great
little Mom and she has lots of sisters to give
her great advice but somehow in my mind
she is still my baby. I know...it's weird but
that's how it feels. Anyway....we are thrilled
for her and Nate and we have been
planning this little celebration for weeks.
Robyn and Gwyn (she's one of the girls now)
drove up from St. George on Friday and
Paige flew in Friday morning so we had
all day to make our preparations.
That may have been the best part...
having all my girls there to prepare for this
fun party together!!

Brooke got these pretty posies at the
wholesale florist that matched our decor.

We had a blast puttsing around the kitchen
making soups, baking rolls, and making
scratch cupcakes. We even got fancy with
the decorating...

Thank you, Martha Stewart, for the
tissue paper ball idea!

This is a shot of the table all decorated.
Brooke is amazing us all with her craftiness!
Seriously, her cricut decorations were to
die for!! Some great friends helped
out with the food and tons of
great friends and relatives joined
us for the party. It was all
much appreciated!!

I'm sorry....this is pretty much what it's all
about for me. I L-O-V-E having daughters!
I love watching them grow into beautiful women
and watching them transform into amazing
mothers. And I love getting to be a part
of it all. My cup runneth over. Can't wait
to meet Baby Brig. It was a perfect day for
me....hope it was a good day for Paige, too.
(P.S. Somehow in all the scurry I forgot to take
pictures of the baby bedding I made for Paige
so for photos of the finish product of the
weeks of work, check out Brooke's blog!)
Perfect weekend!! It was all beautiful and perfect and I can't believe how amazing my bedding turned out!! Love you mom... And thank you!!