I'm ready to turn in for the night and I'm pondering this day when we honor fathers...thinking about all the fathers who are in my life. This has been an amazing Father's Day. I witnessed Robyn bring her 5th child into the world today. How do you top that Father's Day gift?? I feel so grateful that little Sullivan Michael has arrived safely and that he is coming to a home with so much love and anticipation. There have been some incredibly spiritual moments in this day...moments that can't be put into words but that will be forever in my memory. What a blessing to be witness to this miracle and to share it with three of my four daughters (the other was here in heart). And Bob is such a wonderfully caring and supportive man...such a blessing to our Robyn and our grand kids.
The father of my kids was basically ignored today but I'm grateful for him too. He has this crazy nack for calling literally moments after the grandbaby's birth...before we know statistics or name or anything. And he called Robyn last night when she was stressing over having us here with no baby yet and inconveniencing everyone. He said exactly the right hings....don't worry about any of that, let him come when he's ready and have healthy baby. All the rest isn't important....and sure enough...as soon as she let all that go...he came. Whenever it really counts he comes through. I'm sorry that all this happened on this day, but I DO honor him and his ever important role as the father of these grown children who still need his parenting...just in a little different way.
My sons who are great fathers to their children too. What a sweet thing it is to watch them in those roles and know that they are making such a difference in the lives of their kids. I'm so proud of them. And those son-in-laws who are doing the same and blessing the lives of my girls and their children. And thinking of Nate and his first Father's Day as he embraces the role of father to little Brig. That title.."Father"...carries such power and influence.
And thinking about my own father who left this world much too soon. How I adored him as a child...such great memories of his efforts to do that job so well. In my busy life, I often forget how much I miss him and then it sneaks up on me and hits me when I'm not expecting it. So many demons in his life that he never got to work through here. I hope he has found peace with them.
Anyway....random thoughts about this day. I know my hubby is mad at me tonight and probably rightfully so. It seems there is never enough of me to go around to do it all right. But I remain grateful for him and all those father's and the great influence they have as they embrace and magnify that role and as they touch my life for the better. I'd love to add a darling photo of this gorgeous new little man who has joined our family but all I have is Bob's laptop and my camera isn't compatible so it will have to wait until I get home in a week or so.
And I can't close without mentioning the gratitude I have for my loving Father in heaven who has made all of this possible. Thank you for this incredible day and for the safe and miraculous arrival of this little babe. I recognize Thy hand in the details of my life and I continue to be eternally grateful. Above all else...I honor Thee on this Father's Day.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
# 1 Gets Older and No One Can Tell....
This guy here is my first born....and today he turns 36!
It's still weird for me to realize that he is a man in every
sense of the word, with a wife, two children one of
who is a teen-age daughter, and
a real life TOTALLY separate from my own.
Having lived away from us for so long and having
built a life away makes it even harder to keep track.
(That and the fact he is a male and men just don't
stay in touch like women do!)
And he never really seems to get older because
he is in the best physical condition of anyone in
the family so he always seems young!

Bryce and his family were here this past week and
we loved seeing them. Here we were comparing the
similarities in appearance between he and #5 Brookie-D.

While they were here, we went to dinner at the Pub...
love that French Onion soup BTW...and had a great
time. He was pleased to know that Granny thinks
he looks like Lance Armstrong (best compliment
she could have given him!). We didn't really celebrate
his birthday while he was here, but it is ALWAYS
a big day for me. It marks the day that I entered
the most wonderful time of my life...motherhood.
I was such a novice when I had him, and probably screwed
up big-time, but all things considered, I
think he grew up to be a wonderful husband,
father, provider, friend and man.
What more can you ask?
I love you, Son.
Always have and always will.
Hope your day is terrific!!
p.s. Happy Birthday, Shilo!
Mr. Mike Turns 59
We celebrated this crazy guy's birthday yesterday!
He wasn't very excited about the day because...
1. He said 59 isn't a big deal...60 is!
2. Funding is low so that meant the celebration was minimal
& 3. He just doesn't get very excited about much anymore.
I told him NOT celebrating wasn't an option since his
kids all wanted to do so....so after working in the yard
all day, he mustered up some enthusiasm and we
met all the local kids and their spouses for dinner.

We met at the Olive Garden (noticing a pattern here?)
and had a great time. Even Grandma Billie joined in
the festivities.
*** Side note: Mike is a champion in my book
for being so wonderfully patient and caring
to Grandma Billie who is staying with us!!

Seriously, what's NOT to be excited about when you are
surrounded by these people? They all love their Dad
no matter what his demeanor....and guess what?
Happy Birthday, Honey!
There's great stuff yet to come...just wait and see.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial Day with the Fam!
These two cuties and their parents came down and
we headed to the Eastlawn Memorial Cemetery
to visit Grandpa Glenn and Uncle Jeff Williams graves.
They make any outing fun!!
Granny Billie rode along but didn't want to
get out of the car....too scared.
black and white dress and red boots adorable, or what?
And these two crazy ladies never disappoint!
picture of Jude is like catching a falling star.
He didn't know I was taking this or he
would have bolted!!!
we saw this dress at Baby Gap we knew Kennan's
daughter HAD to have it!!
It was fun to have Kennan and Brooke there
to help with all the preparations. Many hands
make light work...and just look at those
gorgeous Kabob's! They tasted as good as
town for the holiday! Mike LOVES any time
Bryce will give him...
taking in all the action.
parent's dream...she just took over all the little's and
they all adored her!
entertainment for the kids. His newest
project is going to be a huge hit if he can
get it on the market before someone else
comes up with the idea! They all were
totally enthralled...
Where Have I Been?
When I returned from Brig's blessing, I got to have
lunch with this little cutie for a belated
Mother's Day celebration!
sparkly eyed sweetie and her sister,
otherwise known as the "pink tornados".
retreat and we got to be with them for a minute
before she headed to Midway.
Notice Paige discreetly nursing in the background?
love us a little Olive Garden!!

Then I was off to Colorado to share a special moment
with these three adorable people!
Then I was off to Colorado to share a special moment
with these three adorable people!
graduation celebration. What a milestone for
this little family!!
I love these two kids like they were my own!
They are terrific young people and their Mom
has done a stellar job raising them.
he got his diploma!
photos of him as "the Baby", "the Boy" and
"the Man" and somehow she managed to get
a picture of him with EVERY family member!
She rocks!!
lives on! The food was delicio-so!!
darling boys as well! Man, they are changing so
fast!! And hello...Jordan is gorgeous!
Adolph for sharing in this wonderful moment and for
putting parenting ahead of all else! It's
with all his friends...what a cool role he plays of
quiet, calm leadership. It was also wonderful
to meet all these great people in Sandi's life
that I don't know and who play such a big role.
She is a rock in so many people's lives...no
surprise there. She has always been all
sunshine and so many great people are drawn
to her...young and old alike. I loved the time there!!
hopping in the car to go retrieve Granny.
Poor woman needed some serious TLC
and sweet Paige volunteered to drive with
me to Phoenix so I wouldn't be alone.
We had a great time chatting all the way
and loving on Brig whenever we could.
We stopped off for the night in St. George
so Brig could meet the Lamoreaux clan.
Boy, oh boy, did they ever love him!!!
Then on to Phoenix where Paige spent the night.
Brig got to meet his Great-Grandma Billie
and then Paige and Brig flew on to California
from there. She and Brig saved my life!!
Mom's house she and I loaded up and headed
out on the road. I took this picture of her outside
her house. I wonder if she will ever be able to
return to it. I guess time will tell!
(Just getting her hair done made her feel better!)
in St. George. Robyn is an angel to
act as our weigh station! The big bonus
was that I got to be there for Gwynnie's
5th Birthday party!
This girl is a Princess Supreme
and her party did not disappoint!
little group of girly friends were
darling! They went to Paul
Mitchell Beauty School and all
got manicures, pedicures, and
hair-dos. What a great party!!
that was good for them and for her!
Where was Abe???? At a friends, of course!
perfect hostess! She is so sweet with Granny.
Love this girl!
what is going on with this little lady and
to get her out of pain and back where
she isn't frightened of life.
I'll keep you posted on how that all goes!
I'll keep you posted on how that all goes!
So, in a nutshell, THAT is where I have been....
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