We celebrated this crazy guy's birthday yesterday!
He wasn't very excited about the day because...
1. He said 59 isn't a big deal...60 is!
2. Funding is low so that meant the celebration was minimal
& 3. He just doesn't get very excited about much anymore.
I told him NOT celebrating wasn't an option since his
kids all wanted to do so....so after working in the yard
all day, he mustered up some enthusiasm and we
met all the local kids and their spouses for dinner.

We met at the Olive Garden (noticing a pattern here?)
and had a great time. Even Grandma Billie joined in
the festivities.
*** Side note: Mike is a champion in my book
for being so wonderfully patient and caring
to Grandma Billie who is staying with us!!

Seriously, what's NOT to be excited about when you are
surrounded by these people? They all love their Dad
no matter what his demeanor....and guess what?
Happy Birthday, Honey!
There's great stuff yet to come...just wait and see.
best dad ever.... for me.