This guy here is my first born....and today he turns 36!
It's still weird for me to realize that he is a man in every
sense of the word, with a wife, two children one of
who is a teen-age daughter, and
a real life TOTALLY separate from my own.
Having lived away from us for so long and having
built a life away makes it even harder to keep track.
(That and the fact he is a male and men just don't
stay in touch like women do!)
And he never really seems to get older because
he is in the best physical condition of anyone in
the family so he always seems young!

Bryce and his family were here this past week and
we loved seeing them. Here we were comparing the
similarities in appearance between he and #5 Brookie-D.

While they were here, we went to dinner at the Pub...
love that French Onion soup BTW...and had a great
time. He was pleased to know that Granny thinks
he looks like Lance Armstrong (best compliment
she could have given him!). We didn't really celebrate
his birthday while he was here, but it is ALWAYS
a big day for me. It marks the day that I entered
the most wonderful time of my life...motherhood.
I was such a novice when I had him, and probably screwed
up big-time, but all things considered, I
think he grew up to be a wonderful husband,
father, provider, friend and man.
What more can you ask?
I love you, Son.
Always have and always will.
Hope your day is terrific!!
p.s. Happy Birthday, Shilo!
bryce... you are old, but i still like you. you are a good brother who is also very cool.