One night while Paige and Brig were here
I suggested we take a drive out to Thanksgiving Point
to "drive through" the lights.
Brooke thought we should go on the
hayride and actually SEE the lights.
So, we bundled up the littles and found
ourselves waiting by "the cow" yet again.
for us to pose in front of...
garb compliments of Nannie's closet!)
It may have been one of the coldest nights of the year
so we were all cuddled together,
but these kiddies didn't seem to mind one bit!

so we were all cuddled together,
but these kiddies didn't seem to mind one bit!
and it was much more memorable from
the haywagon. Thanks, Brooke, for
always wanting to have the WHOLE experience.
We had a great time!!
now you made that sound much more pleasant than the real affair... i seem to recall musings so "it's so cold and i'm almost bald and i have no hat" coming from you end of the wire. but definitely an experience :)