Noticably absent from our canyon outings this summerhave been Brad, Vanessa and the Girls. Due to the fact
that he is traveling SOOO much with his job, he hasn't
been able to join us either because he isn't in town or when he
is, his time is planned in other ways. So we were THRILLED
when he was in town last week and suggested we all try
a canyon outing one more time!!
The regular six local adorables were there...of course!!
And bless her heart, Granny Billie ventured out withus once again! She's pretty much go along to get along.
The soon-to-be parents have become regulars as welland we are so lucky they choose to join in.
Greta has made great strides in her development this summer and the canyon outings have had
a small hand in that! Way to go, Gretsie!!!
Papa Mike wasn't about to miss out on thisouting...he regretted missing the last one,
after the fact!!
And of course, we had Brookie-D and the"fire master" with us!
Minie and Gabi are the best of buds....I call them my strawberry and milk chocolate girls!
And then there is gorgeous Bella...'nuf said!!
Pop-tart has developed an aversion for the camera soyou have to try to catch her unawares...and not always
too successfully. Her Mom is much better at it than I!
But NOT this one...she loves the camera!All in all, we had a fabulous time.
Perhaps there is yet another canyon outing
in our future before the season ends.
Sure hope so!!
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