Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Thirty two years ago today, I gave birth
to this gorgeous girl. I was SOOOO thrilled
to have a little girl after two boys. I had always
imagined myself raising little girls with pony tails
and dresses and black patent shoes and then I had
two boys. When Robyn came, she fulfilled my dreams.
AND she paved the way for her three younger sisters.
She was always maternal and loved babies from the
get-go. She was my assistant Mom and I never could
have raised 6 children without her help.
She is the best Mom I know and is SOOO much
better at it than I was. I admire her more than
I can say. Her life is so busy and so full right now
as she is working on building her family.
And she is amazing...I stand in AWE most
of the time.

She is everything you would want your daughter
to be. She is a girly girl...loves wearing dresses,
and having her hair fancy, and wearing jewelry,
was a dancer and was a great example for her
little sisters.
The Lord knew who to send to my family
and when to send her.
She is still the "gatherer" of our family
and whenever she is there, everyone wants
to join in. As Dustin says, she is the Dalai
Lama and we all want to be there when Robyn
is in town.

She has a warm and tender heart and is
caring and loving to all those around her.
She has TONS of friends and people love to
share their problems, joys and sorrows with
Robyn because they know she will listen.
She speaks her mind and has lots of opinions
(she may have inherited that from me)
but it is always witht he best of intentions.
She is spiritual and irreverent at the same
time and it is charming.

She is probably my best friend....we share so
many wonderful memories and see eye to eye
on most everything in life. I'm so blessed
to have her in my life and celebrate this day with
her because it was a life changing day for me.
I wish I could be there to celebrate with you.
I hope your day is wonderful.


  1. Thanks mom! What a sweet post, and you know that not one of us girls can compare to your mothering skills. I love you so much!

    I am so glad that I can be so attractive in these pictures....very pregnant and all.

  2. love you robba! happy birfday :)

    love this post mom. so sweet.

  3. agreed.

    happy birthday sister bear

  4. Well said Pam, who doesn't LOVE Robyn. I may one of her biggest fans!!

  5. I have noticed from reading your family's blog, that all the girls got married in August also. Is is a tradition to get married in August? I was wondering if they were trying to share your date with you. I myself got married the day before my parents anniversary. Just a little family connection.

    Happy bday to Robyn too
