Monday, October 4, 2010

Moments from Midway

For several years now we have been having a fall
get-away for all the extended family that could make it.
in the past we have gone to Jackson Hole, but this year
we decided to try Midway to eleviate the longer drive.
The jury is still out on whether or not it was a good idea...
but judging from my pictures...I think it was a success.
(warning: this contains picture overload)

We rented a home by Soldier Hollow so we drove the
Alpine Loop to Cascade Springs and then took
the road to Midway. Beautiful drive that drops you
down into the Heber Valley and the house was great!
And the weather....couldn't have been better...

In betweeen Conference sessions,
there were lots of walks and hikes that took place
unfortunately my camera didn't make it on several of them!
And there was the trip into Heber for lunch at the
Dairy Keen "Home of the Train".
We won't talk about what all went on there,
but suffice it to say that it looks like we
had more fun than we did!

Adorable Greta!!

Actually, the kids had a GREAT time!

The Homestead was having a Scarecrow
Festival, so we all got to enjoy that.

So glad that Paige and Brig made the HUGE
effort to join us
(and believe me, I KNOW it is a HUGE effort on her part!)

Us girls did our annual Christmas gift project and NO...
we did not consume all that vodka!

Brig and Sully...the Newbies...worked on
solidifying their BFF status.

And it was discovered that a little fishing
truly is an activity for ALL ages!!

Check out the scenery!!

What did we do before Baby Bjorn's??

And here we are practicing a little family "togetherness".

Dustin and Abe were successful in bringing home dinner.
Sorry Abe...I didn't get a shot of your gorgeous
rainbow trout!!
And a little playground time with a
breath-taking backdrop!

The home we stayed at requested that everyone
remove their shoes before entering. This was
the pile at the back door and there was a similar
one at the front door!

We checked out on Monday and made our way down
to SLC for a quick visit to Gardner Village and the
Witch Festival. L-O-V-E this place this time of year!
And the Lamoreaux crew wanted to see it before
heading back to St. George.

Overall it was a great get-away but we learned a few
things from this experience.
Stay tuned for next year to see if we improve upon
our gathering skills.

But ask any one of the kids and they will tell you
they had the time of their lives....
So really, what else matters???

I'm gonna chalk this one up to a success!!

1 comment:

  1. well.... i for one had fun. lots of it.

    wish i was still there.
