Thursday, March 25, 2010

Baby Brig & Co. Head Home....

Approximately 48 hours after arriving, it was time for
the new little Clark family to pack it up and head home.

These two became inseparable in no time at all.
"Resting Comfortably"

Here is Baby Brig trying out his own attire for the
first time.

Notice the milk mustache....milk, it does a body good!

He's trying to act interested in this wardrobe change
but it is really boring him. ( the coming home
outfit is compliments of Colleen!)

Here's the little family all dressed and waiting for
the wheel chair to arrive so they can head home.

He snoozed the whole way home in his new car seat and
tried out the Tim Williams cradle straight away! And before you
knew it, he was once again "resting comfortably".
Scrumptious, isn't he??

"And the adventure begins!"


  1. Oh he is so a-dor-able! What would it be like to leave the hospital after 48 hours and get to take your baby home with you!? I'm glad to see that everyone is doing so well!!

  2. Where does the name Zeyer come from? Such a cutie!

  3. Judy....Zeyer is a family surname from Nate's side of the family. And he is indeed a CUTIE!!
