Brooke has requested regular blog updates so she can
see what her girlsies are up to so.... Day 1 was
spent close to home as it was cold and Pop-tart
wasn't feeling all that great. We did venture out to
the grocery store to buy all the girls favorites and while they
napped I ran to SLC and got my hair cut. Then after
wrestling the stroller (Grrrrr) we bundled up and strolled
over to Switzler's so I could deliver some stuff to Linda
and so M & P could get a little fresh air. When we got
home we threw a log on, cuddled by the fire,
and then had some of the minestrone soup I'd made.

After a warm bath and clean jammies, we watched
Beauty and the Beast (AGAIN!) and then it was off to bed.

Pretty low key day and Poppy only asked once "where
Mommy?" and "where Daddy?". Minie was quick to answer
her with, "they on a plane and be back in some days".
These two make pretty sweet house guests!!
Can I just say that I love looking at your blog because you are probably the best Nana I've ever seen! I tell my mom all the time.."Brookes mom does this and this!!" Keep up the good work, and a big A+ for being such a great Grandma